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CARInG foR yoUR MATTRESSTURnInG yoUR MATTRESSHow often and in which way should I turn the mattress?The mattress should initially be flipped after two weeks of use, and then rotated two weeks later. It should then be flipped or rotated monthly.The flip should ensure that what was the top (sleeping) surface becomes the bottom surface. The rotation swaps head to toe. If both sides of the mattress have the same support it is good to ensure sides are swapped regularly. If each side is different, e.g. the left is soft and right is firm, you will want to ensure that each sleeper keeps their side. Follow the turning instructions overleaf.For more detailed instructions visit: www.savoirbeds.comMattresses can be heavy and awkward. It is important that you never bend a mattress significantly. This can permanently damage the mattress.Do turn the mattress frequently, for the first time after two weeks of delivery and subsequently every month.Do not bend the mattress more than you can help. Zipped mattresses should be unzipped and turned individually. Only the top zip should be used.Do not sit on the edge of the bed more than you have to. Do store the mattress flat when it is not on the bed.Do not ever roll up the mattress.Do let Savoir Beds know if any tufts come off the mattress. It can occasionally happen, and we can provide a simple kit to replace any, helping to prolong the life of your mattress.TURnInG yoUR ToppERAs your topper naturally settles over time it is also necessary to flip and rotate it to even out compression. Turn the topper every time you change bed linen. Giving it a ‘shake’ and ‘beating’ with the flat of your hand will also help. After around 5 years you may wish to consider having the content of your topper re-carded to bring it back to its best.SETTInG Up AnD MovInGyoUR SAvoIRIf you are setting up or moving your Savoir bed see the care instructions on our website for a full set of guidelines on how to dismantle and then re-assemble your bed correctly.

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